News & Events

Year 9 News – 13 March 2025


Year 9 News

What a busy time Year 9 students are having!  On Wednesday 5 March we joined the campus cohort for our Ash Wednesday Liturgy.  Students also had a NAPLAN preparation session.

On Thursday 6 March all Year 9 students attended a presentation from Dave Arnup, a School Manager from Adventure Plus.  This company is responsible for arranging and leading the upcoming camps. Dave led students through sample itineraries, menus and requirements list.  He provided handy hints on waterproofing, packing and clothes selection to support student comfort.  His presentation and subsequent releasing of camp groups provided a lot of excitement. Both the Falls Creek and Yarrawonga trips commence on Monday 17 March.  Students are advised to start packing early and be aware of times and location of drop off.

Friday 7 March saw our Year 9 Assembly to go over upcoming events and recognise student achievements.

Thomas Connelly: Product design – Great work problem solving using logic and trial and error to develop a tracked vehicle that he controlled form his computer.

Sam Goudie Kennedy: Building Design – Sam has worked over the last twelve months in his own time from the College Master plan to create a visual and audio display of his vision for a new building.  Sam also wrote a prayer which was shared with staff.

Imogen Rose Trimble: Creative Arts – Imogen as part of the Arena Theatre company is involved in a production for the Adelaide festival.  This is collaborative work of War of the Worlds which is being performed across three venues simultaneously: Bendigo, Whyalla and Barmera.

Nicholas Hietbrink: Active for Life – Nicholas nearly scored a hole in one!

Hollie Wilson, Ella Tyrrell, Amelia Kelly and Audrey Hogan: All placed first at the Sandhurst Swimming and Diving Competition in either individual or relay events.  We wish them well as they progress to the next round.

Macey Pinner: Macey has been named Joint Captain for the North Central Under 15 Netball Team, to play at the State Titles later this year.  We wish her well.

Swimming classes are wrapping up, Paddock to Plate and Food Technology classes continue to make delicious treats and many subjects have been putting finishing touches to assessments due prior to camp.  With so much on, it will be the end of term before we know it.

Families are asked to remind students about some current safety concerns:

  • The roadway behind the St Vincents Building is not to be used by students walking to or from the agriculture area.
  • Students are not to cross the McIvor Highway at any time on foot, before, during or after the school day to access the shop.
  • Bus travellers are to be mindful of not distracting the driver whilst in the bus.

When entering or exiting the bus students should be considerate of others and not engage in pushing each other or interfering with others’ school bags.

Those students who use the Holy Rosary Interchange need to be aware of traffic if they are crossing the Midland Highway.

Mrs Jo Tobin, Mr Dean Carmody & Mrs Jan Lake