Year 8 News – 8 February 2024
09/02/2024Welcome to the 2024 school year! Students have started the term well, engaging in classes, building new friendships and getting to know their timetable. It was wonderful to witness the conversation, laughing and catch ups on day one. Generally, uniform has been great, however we have noticed an increase in items of jewellery being worn, incorrect socks and many students without hats. If you are unsure of the acceptable items, please refer to the College website for the Dress Code Expectations and the Noone uniform website, or contact your child’s advocate.
ENGLISH: In English this term, our Year 8 students will study the novel Us Mob Walawurru by David Spillman and Lisa Wilyuka. The unit involves a close reading of the text as a work of historical fiction and inter-cultural exploration. Students will complete a weekly reading journal which includes comprehension questions, personal reflections and additional learning activities designed to create opportunities to interpret, analyse and evaluate this text. Throughout the unit, students will learn about situations and dilemmas resulting from cultural difference – education, language, family, relationship to country and environment, and ideas of ownership. This unit will conclude with the completion of a text response essay as the summative assessment, where students can create and share their own texts that raise issues and advance opinions in response to this novel.
HUMANITIES: During Term 1 students will be looking at the Civics and Citizenship area of Humanities, with a particular focus on Law and Society. This unit investigates how the justice system works in Australian society. Students will also consider how this contributes to a ‘Just Society’ in a safe and legal manner. They also learn what it means to live in a Democracy.
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: During Term 1 in Religious Education, students will investigate the concept of justice. Scripture and Church teachings will be examined to highlight ways to promote right relationships. Students will be encouraged to develop an awareness of justice and injustice in the world today, and a challenge is issued for each student to act justly towards others and the world.
Mrs Hannah Johnston and Ms Chloe Montgomery, Year Level Learning Leaders – Year 8