News & Events

Year 8 News


Student Achievements

Congratulations to all Year 8 students who participated so enthusiastically in the swimming carnival on Thursday 21 February. It was great to see so many Year 8s dressed up to support their houses and be involved in the different events.

Kalan Hand (MacKillop) and Telani Bibby (Jarra) were named the Year Level Champions.

Year 8 Camp

Camp 1: March 23 – 25: Core groups A1, A2, A3, B1 and B2.
Camp 2: March 25 – 27: Core groups B3, B4, C1, C2, C3, C4

Preparations are well under way for our upcoming camps. All families should have received details earlier this term.

A reminder that parents are required to record consent or non-consent on PAM, as soon as possible, so that accommodation and activity groups can be finalised. Please also ensure that all medical information is up to date.

If you have any questions regarding the camp, please contact your child’s Mentor teacher.
Click here to log into PAM

Subject Update

Food technology

In Food Technology, we have been learning about safe and hygienic cooking. So far, we have made spicy tortilla triangles, five-fold overs (wraps) and fruit salad cones to practise our knife skills.

We are also researching about an essential nutrient and making an infographic to summarise our research. We love cooking and especially eating what we make!


All classes this week have completed the assessment for Unit 1 Scale Drawings. Our second unit for the Term is Introducing Proportional Relationships. In this unit students will develop the idea of proportional relationships out of the Year 7 idea of equivalent ratios.

We will move onto the concept that any proportional relationship can be represented by an equation in the form y = kx, where k is the constant of proportionality, that its graph lies on a line through the origin and that the value of k indicates the steepness of the line.

Physical Education

Year 8 recently gained some experience in the game of golf.