News & Events

Year 7 Encounter Day



Our Year 7 students recently participated in their first CMCB Encounter Day.  The theme for the event was ‘Respect – Everyday, Everyone’ encouraging students to build and maintain healthy, respectful relationships in their lives. Throughout the day, students participated in a range of sessions learning about mental health and resilience; they considered issues, behaviours, rights and responsibilities of individuals in a variety of relationships, both in person and online. Students got to work with some of our senior VCE VET Sport and Recreation classes, who led a very engaging and enjoyable physical activity session aimed at improving teamwork skills.

Overall, a very successful and enjoyable day was had by all the students and staff involved, with a few examples of the feedback from students provided below.

“I found the physical activity session very enjoyable because there were some fun games that encouraged us to work together.”

“I found the REACH session to be the most enjoyable part of the day! It was cool to see how much everyone opened up and the REACH staff made the activity entertaining..

“The religious education session was really good and I liked answering the questions.”

A big thank you must go out to all of our Year 7 students for their fantastic participation on the day and to the senior Sport and Recreation students and staff for their assistance in making each of the sessions a great success.

Mr Stephen Evans and Ms Molly Leahy, Year Level Learning Leaders – Year 7