News & Events

Year 12 News – 22 February 2024


As Year Level Learning Leaders – Year 12, Mrs Jo MacDonald and Mrs Kate Watts welcome all Year 12 families to Catherine McAuley College Bendigo for 2024.

Our Year 12s have had a fantastic start to the year. Students have returned focused and well-prepared for classes and have enjoyed reconnecting with friends after the holiday period.

Students were excited to receive their Year 12 jumpers and have worn these with pride, even on the hot days. It is also a timely reminder that as leaders of our school, students look up to our Year 12 students and it is up to them to set the example and be in complete full school uniform, this includes socks, minimal jewellery and cleanly shaven.

Our Year 12 students enjoyed the tradition of our College Opening Mass, walking in with a Year 7 student. They were motivated and gained inspiration from our 2023 College Dux, Tess Rule, who set the bar high while also ensuring she enjoyed her last year of school.

In the second week of term our students attended the Year 12 Retreat. Lifelong memories were formed and this was a beautiful way for our students to connect with each other and their faith in preparation for the year ahead.

Below are some reflections from our students:

“Retreat was a really great time spent getting to know our fellow classmates and teachers better. It was easily the best school camp/retreat that I have been on. Some of the highlights included hearing Craig from the soup van speak, the trivia night and also taking part in the boys faith session.”

“I wasn’t sure what I thought retreat would be like. Retreat turned out to be different, in a good way. It was beneficial for myself and many others. The faith circle that occurred on the first night was one of the most eye-opening, emotional experiences I’ve had in school. People could get things off their chest that were bothering them. While it was called a faith session, it could have easily been called a mental health session because of how good it was for our mental health, both for people sharing and people listening. The trivia night was also a highlight. It was run incredibly well by Archer, Henry and Dan. They made it an interactive night for everyone. Students who I’ve never really heard from before were singing and doing limbo and the vibes were just good. Overall, a really good experience and a good time with mates.”

“One thing I took away from retreat was to always treat everyone with respect and check on your mates because you never know what someone is going through behind closed doors. I really enjoyed the trivia night, spending time with my friends and reading the letters from home written by loved ones, Retreat was a very eye-opening experience and a time I will never forget.”

As Year Level Learning Leaders, we look forward to the journey ahead and seeing all of our students reach their full potential, both academically and personally. As discussed on the retreat – anything is possible, the world is their oyster.

Mrs Jo MacDonald and Mrs Kate Watts