Year 10 Art Nature
12/07/2023The Year 10 Art (Modernism to Postmodernism) class has found inspiration for their drawing from the staffroom indoor plants. Students completed a drawing activity inspired by the work of Claude Monet. Through their class work, students learn about the difference between the two VCE ART studies offered: VCE Art Making and Exhibiting and VCE Art Creative Practice.
Year 10 Art students are learning about the fundamental ideas of the Impressionist movement and how the artists of this style hoped to transport the viewer to a moment in time. They did this with sweeping brush strokes, gestural lines and by attempting to capture the light as it fills the scene.
Students completed a range of different observational drawings focusing on the subject matter of nature. These are preparation drawings for their Printmaking Folio Piece.
To help them prepare for VCE, the students have learnt how to document their practical explorations in their own Visual Arts Journals by using key art terms and language of the Impressionist movement.
Mr Peter Hughes, Teacher