Thought-provoking characters and sparkling performances at Year 12 Drama Night
10/10/2019In preparation for their upcoming VCE Drama Performance Exam, our talented, creative and very dedicated Unit 4 Drama students presented their 7-minute solo performances to family and friends at our annual Year 12 Drama Night.
The students have spent almost three months devising their solo performances, based on structures prescribed by the Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority (VCAA). The characters portrayed included the Flower Thrower, Juliet, a Toy Soldier, Tina Sparkle, the Queen of the Red Hat Society and Gangsters. Each was inspired by art, film, poetry, literature and the lives of real people. Students utilised the skills developed throughout their studies in Drama to research, improvise, script, edit and tirelessly rehearse their self-devised performances, creating engaging and thought-provoking pieces which the audience thoroughly enjoyed.
The Year 12 Drama students now have a few days to process the feedback and further refine their pieces before the Performance Exam.
The Heather Lindhe Memorial Drama Award was presented to one of our outstanding Year 12 Drama students – Seamus Allan. Seamus has achieved excellent results in all practical and theoretical tasks, provided invaluable support and guidance to his classmates, and has dedicated time to advocate for the Dramatic Arts at school and within the wider community.
Congratulations to Seamus and all the Year 12 Drama students, and we wish them every success for their upcoming final exams.
Mrs Lisa Darlow, Drama Teacher