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The Way We Live – VCE Art Making and Exhibiting


Recent work in VCE Art Making and Exhibiting took up the theme ‘The Way We Live’, developed in response to the 2024 College theme ‘In Mercy we serve’. It allowed students the scope to be inquisitive about the world around them and reflect on significant things that help us live in our world.

Below are two examples of this task, Chloe Maher’s Natures Prevail (left, gouache on canvas) and Lucy Scutt’s Artwork Alleyway in Vietnam (right, oil on canvas).

In her Artist’s Statement, Chloe Maher writes, “The overall message of my piece refers to the theme ‘The Way We Live’, by reflecting on nature’s significance, impact and relation with human life that it holds. Although it can be self-interpreted by the audience, my idea is that nature allows us to live, breathe within our bodies, and has also been the core provider for our man-made world. Without the assistance of the natural environment around us, humans can’t thrive, can’t build their ideal worlds, which is why it is so significant to the ways in which we live.”

The gallery below includes both finished pieces and works in progress. Enjoy!

Mr Peter Hughes, Art Teacher