New ideas and enthusiasm for 2023
10/03/2023Introducing our Student Leadership Team 2023
At Catherine McAuley College, the 2023 Student Leadership Team has approached a new year full of enthusiasm to continue and enhance the work of last year’s leaders. As the constraints of COVID recede into the past, students are keen to bring back the events and activities that help define our College culture and support the formation of young adults.
“I would like to promote things such as events and opportunities that students can look forward to and remember, including the interactions with our houses that we lost during the last couple of years.” Ella Raco
“I aim to get more people involved in sport and recognise sporting accomplishments by encouraging activities at breaks, a highlight would be seeing more people get involved and staying active.” Lila Keck
“I have a clear and specific goal to remove the stigma around Applied Learning. I want to show younger students and parents that success can be measured in different ways, such as by what life skills you’ll gain and what employability skills you will have as a result.” Ben Reid
As well as exciting initiatives that everyone can be part of, they also have ideas to strengthen the unity of the school by finding new ways to bring the two campuses together more. Innovative fundraising and awareness ideas are also ways to create lasting memories and also help those less fortunate.
“By working to achieve a better social side of the school community, both halves of the school can work together as one College, which will allow for support from friends, peers, teachers and the broader community.” Layla O’Shea
Reinstating traditions and establishing new ideas are high on the priority lists for this year’s leaders as they focus on not only implementing their own ideas but also ensuring that students’ voices are heard.
“My goal is to create a supportive and happy environment for all. I hope people can come up to me with questions and ideas and trust me to voice their ideas and opinions.” Zachary Grieve
“I want to help bring together the members of our school community and ensure that the students have a strong group of individuals that they can turn to, to advocate for them.” Sophie Giles
As well as finding ways to bring people together, the student leaders are also keen to build on measures to make the College a safe and inclusive space where all students feel welcome. This includes the celebration of and acknowledgement of special days throughout the school calendar.
“I want students’ experiences with the College to be positive and influential on their lives. We can work together to achieve our full potential and have a fun year.” Layla O’Shea
“I want to help ensure that younger students have faith in their future and believe that they can become the person they always wanted to be. I believe that everyone should feel happy to go to school and find something they enjoy every day.” Tyra Brauer
“I am passionate about building a school environment where everyone feels safe and welcomed and they have the support to become the best versions of themselves they can be.” Layne Austen
“I’m passionate about encouraging young leaders to make the most of their time at school, I want them to see school as an environment to create, explore and take control of their future. I also want students to realise that it’s important to remind themselves that everyone learns differently.” Ben Reid
The emphasis is also on sustainability and finding new and better ways of living as a community. Raising awareness and changing habits will be a major aim for the team, with specific members of the team dedicated to reGEN – the College’s commitment to sustainability.
“I hope to achieve more awareness around the reuse of school supplies and uniform, with engagement of all students in sustainability initiatives. I want to include all students in ways to reduce waste and increase knowledge about what they can do.” Ruby Robinson
“I am passionate about social justice and bringing about equality in our CMC community as well as wider Bendigo. My goal as a ReGEN leader is to bring the CMC community closer to our Dja Dja Warrung community here in Bendigo.” Jordyn Aldred
Our Faith Captains also have strong ideas about what they hope to achieve during 2023. This includes engaging and representing students, working closely with leadership, and developing a sense of pride in the school.
“As Faith Captain, a goal is to develop what faith means at Catherine McAuley College and how we can incorporate the work we do into our community.” Layne Austen
“I hope that people become more interested in the faith activities that CMC has to offer. They can be very fun and interesting at the same time. I think that everyone should be able to find a connection to faith, whether they are interested in arts, sports, sciences or humanities.” Tyra Brauer
So far this year, the Student Leadership Team has taken an active role in preparing and presenting the Opening Mass, Laureate Assembly and Ash Wednesday liturgies.
“A highlight has been the Opening Mass. It was such a great opportunity to gather as a whole school community, and to follow it up with the Laureate Assembly where we commended student achievements from 2022 and provided some motivation for current students in 2023.” Sophie Giles