17/02/2025The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) for Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 students is held each year. NAPLAN tests assess student knowledge and skills in Writing, Reading, Conventions of Language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and Numeracy. The results of the tests provide information for students, parents/carers, teachers and principals and can be used to improve student achievement.
NAPLAN Online delivers numerous benefits including:
- a ‘tailored test’ design that adapts to correct and incorrect student responses providing a more precise understanding of student achievement
- innovative use of technology, including a more engaging test design and a wider range of item types
- the extension of the ‘test window’ to two weeks, which allows schools a greater opportunity to schedule the tests at times that suit them best and thereby increase student participation.
All students are expected to participate in the NAPLAN Online tests. Testing will commence on Wednesday 12 March and follow the below schedule.
- Wednesday 12 March – Writing
- Thursday 13 March – Reading and Conventions of Language
- Friday 14 March – Numeracy
For the NAPLAN test students will be required to bring:
- A fully charged laptop
- Laptop charger
- A set of wired earphones
If a student does not bring earphones to the test, they will be provided with a pair from the College and the student’s fee account will be charged $5.00.
Special provisions
Special provisions will be arranged for students, in accordance with their personal learning plans, if the student regularly uses similar support for classroom assessment tasks.
Exemptions may be granted to students with significant disabilities and to students who have been learning English for less than one year. If your child is eligible for support due to disability or exemption, you should discuss this with our Learning Diversity Leaders Miss Alyssa Lemon at Year 7 and Mrs Jenni McGrath at Year 9 before the tests. Parental consent is required before any support due to disability or exemption is granted.
While we strongly encourage all students to complete the NAPLAN tests, students may be withdrawn from NAPLAN by their parents or carers. This is a matter for consideration by parents and carers in consultation with the College. If, after consultation, you decide to withdraw your child, you must sign a Student Withdrawal form prior to the test and have it approved by the Principal. These forms are available from the College, please contact to obtain a form.
Later in the year, you will receive your child’s individual NAPLAN report. The report will describe your child’s particular skills in Reading, Writing, Conventions of Language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and Numeracy.
We are confident that the information you receive as a result of your child’s participation in the NAPLAN tests will be valuable in helping you to assess your child’s progress in literacy and numeracy.
For more information about NAPLAN Online, please visit the VCAA website at or the NAP website at
Mrs Gina Giblin
Assistant Principal – Learning & Teaching
NAPLAN Information Brochure for Parents and Carers