News & Events

‘My World View’ Year 10 Art Exhibition


The Year 10 Art students’ painting exhibition My World View opened on Wednesday 12 June, held in the Marian Foyer at St Mary’s.

Arts Captain, Oliver Sexton welcomed all artists and special invited guests on behalf of the College leadership. Oliver spoke with enormous pride about our student artists and how hard they had worked to prepare this showcase to share.

Oliver then introduced and welcomed Dr Karen Annett-Thomas to officially open the event. She is Head of the La Trobe Arts Institute and has been a long-term supporter of the arts at Catherine McAuley College Bendigo. Dr Annett-Thomas encouraged the students to continue in their art studies and complimented them on the works presented in this exhibition. We thank her for taking the time to step out of her busy role with La Trobe to attend our exhibition launch.

The process students used to develop their works began with images collected from their own world during the holidays – paintings, drawings, photographs, then used these as starting points to devise an artwork of their own.

In classes they learned about traditional art making processes where they made their own canvas from strawboard and canvas. They soaked traditional rabbit skin glue, melted it, then constructed their own painting support (canvas) and used traditional preparation processes such as gesso and underpainting before they painted their final works.

The students learned about the history of painting, looking at the Renaissance and a particular technique called atmospheric perspective. They completed a number of class activities that taught them skills related to painting and documented these in their visual art journals.

As they prepared to paint their final artworks, they visited the Bendigo Art Gallery to view the exhibition Paris: Impressions of Life, joining a guided tour by the education staff. During this excursion, they studied the painting techniques they had learnt about in class and analysed how professionals had used them to produce their artwork on show in this Paris exhibition.

Each student prepared their work for exhibition with the title and artist statement. Each Year 10 artist invited one key guest to the launch. They sought feedback about their work, in order to see if their invited guest could understand their message.

We, the Arts Team at CMC ask that students and staff take the time to come and view these works while they are on show in the Foyer of the Marian Centre.

Next on the CMCB Arts Events Calendar

Oliver Sexton encouraged all members of our community to please attend the Winter Concert on 26 June, 6.30pm in the Marian Theatre. This will showcase not only students who undertake formal music classes, but also those involved in the performing arts, for example in our Instrumental Music Program.

Also on show at this evening will be artworks and projects by Arts and Technology students on show on the night.

This will be a night to remember – don’t miss this opportunity to experience the talent, passion and diversity of arts students at CMCB!