Mercy Day Celebrations – help out and have fun!
Mercy Day Celebrations
As most of you would know, Mercy Day is coming up on the last day of term, 20 September. This is a time for our whole college to celebrate who we are as a Mercy community and to reflect on the foundations and founders of our school.
It’s a day to remember our Mercy story and to recognise the people who live out the Mercy Education Values. On Mercy Day our main aim, aside from coming together as a whole college, is to raise money to support the goals of Mercy Works.
There will be lots of exciting rides and stalls this year, run by each house. Some of these are food and drinks, whilst others are activities. If you have any recommendations of activities that could make our Mercy Day even better, come and talk to any SRC leader and your idea could possibly be a part of this year’s Mercy Day.
We are hoping that everyone gets involved, helping their houses in planning and running these stalls. Also, for the first time ever, the SRC will be running a Colour Explosion, which is a little bit like a typical colour run. There will be coloured paint and a fun course to run, with teachers throwing the paint bombs at students. This will be one of the major fundraisers on the day, and we hope it will be loads of fun. The Mercy Day awards will also be presented on this day.
Mercy Day Awards
We would like to see some more nominations coming through for this year’s Mercy Day Awards. You can find the application on Schoolbox under the ‘Faith and Mission’ tile, and then there will be another tile called ‘Nomination Form’. From there, it is as easy as answering these four questions:
- How does this person demonstrate the Mercy values of Courage, Compassion, Service, Respect, Justice and Hospitality in their daily life? (please provide examples)
- How do they contribute to our school and/or local community?
- What qualities do they possess that align with the values and teachings of Catherine McAuley?
- How do they influence others in a positive manner?
And that’s it! Just make sure your nomination form is in by 24 August.
Kelsey Holland, Ruby Kelly & Millicent Woods