
FIRE Carrier Project

Our student and staff FIRE Carriers lead the school’s journey towards reconciliation. The core values of the FIRE Carrier Project are spirituality, cultural recognition and awareness, practical reconciliation and justice, and ecological stewardship.

Friends Igniting Reconciliation through Education (FIRE)

The FIRE Carrier Project is an initiative of the Aboriginal Catholic Ministry and Catholic Education Sandhurst to promote reconciliation in Sandhurst Schools.

Fire is at the Heart of Aboriginal Culture

Fire represents the spiritual connection between individuals to Mother Earth and Ancestors; it is around fire that Dreamtime stories are told, and laws taught; it is used for smoking the people and the land when gathered for important ceremonies; and so, it is fire that represents the learning, teaching and our schools’ journey towards Reconciliation.

The four core values of the FIRE Carrier Project are:

  1. Spirituality: To learn, teach, share and grow towards understanding Aboriginal Spirituality
  2. Cultural Recognition and Awareness: To recognise cultural perspectives and demonstrate awareness
  3. Practical Reconciliation and Justice: To walk the journey together, and put learnings into practice
  4. Ecological Stewardship: To recognise and honour Creation as sacred

The values of the FIRE Carrier Project are reflected in a Covenant which is made by the FIRE Carriers of each school.

FIRE Carriers

The FIRE Carrier Project group meets once a month to carry out the actions within the Covenant, and to develop new actions as the College progresses.