Excellent results for College Dux and inaugural CMC graduates
14/12/2018Catherine McAuley College is celebrating the excellent VCE results of our inaugural graduates in 2018.
The students have been rewarded for their endeavours with some outstanding collective and individual performances in both the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) and Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) studies.
I am delighted to announce that our first Catherine McAuley College Dux is Matthew McDonald, with an ATAR of 99.3.
The Dux Proximus is Luke Harris with an ATAR of 98.8, followed by Joshua Hamilton with an ATAR of 98.2.
Congratulations to Matthew, Luke and Joshua. They have shown great dedication with their strong work ethic and thoroughness in their approach to all subjects. They have demonstrated a humble approach to their achievements and are highly-respected by their peers and staff. Matthew, Luke and Joshua have modelled our College’s Mercy Values over the past six years and they have all made an enormous contribution to our school.
I thank Matthew, Luke and Joshua for their contributions to College life beyond their studies and wish them the very best for the future endeavours.
We also congratulate those students who achieved a perfect study score of 50 this year:
- Matthew McDonald, Year 12 (Drama)
- Luke Harris, Year 12 (Software Development).
- Neve Coleman, Year 11 (Health & Human Development)
- Kate Boon, Year 11 (VET Health Services)
Joshua Hamilton, Year 12, achieved a perfect score last year when he made a great start to his VCE with a 50 for Further Mathematics and a Premier’s Award.
Whilst the focus is often on the high-achieving students, it is important to recognise the great work done by all students in Year 12. In our commitment to service in the Mercy tradition we believe that our students’ results will open doors for them into many pathways, and we celebrate not only the excellent results achieved by our VCE students, but also the students who completed their Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) with an outstanding pass rate.
The College Careers Practitioners will be available for any students seeking advice about their study options, including changing their preferences. Don’t forget, you can change your preferences until noon on Wednesday 19 December 2018.
Mr Brian Turner, Principal