News & Events

CMC Supporting the 2022 Balloon Football League Season


On Friday 20 May,  the Year 12 Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) Integrated Studies class began their partnership journey with Scope and other disability groups in preparing for the 2022 season of Balloon Football League (BFL) after a hiatus of two years.

Students first practised Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) with the wheelchair pushing.

The clients played four games, finalising the teams for the BFL. The students pushed wheelchairs, were goal and boundary umpires and practised field umpiring.

The VCAL partnership and participation with BFL goes back at least a decade. Student involvement directly links with Unit 2 Personal Development Skills, where students need to demonstrate leadership skills, participation, conflict management and event management. BFL is an excellent applied learning program that develops the self-esteem and confidence of not only the students but the clients of BFL and promotes inclusion in our community.