Catherine McAuley College Bendigo lives out the Mercy charism, striving to make Jesus Christ known and loved by all. We are a Child Safe School, our learning community identifies, values and develops the gifts of each young person and provides them with educational opportunities to experience personal success.
Mercy Education Limited is entrusted by the Institute of the Sisters of Mercy of Australia and Papua New Guinea (ISMAPNG) to provide governance for its member colleges. It also supports a broad range of Colleges to offer excellence in contemporary education in a safe environment, enriched by the Gospels and faithful to the legacy of Catherine McAuley
- a commitment to the Gospel of Jesus
- fidelity to the tradition and spirit of Mercy and the mission of Catherine McAuley
- the provision of innovative, stimulating and inclusive educational programs
- a passion for social justice
Strategic Plan 2025 – 2028
To inspire members of our community to be learners impelled to thrive and serve.
Catherine McAuley College Bendigo lives out the Mercy charism, striving to make Jesus Christ known and loved by all. We are a Child Safe School, our learning community identifies, values and develops the gifts of each young person and provides them with educational opportunities to experience personal success.
Strategic Pillars
Click below to read the full Strategic Plan, including the Goals and Strategies that support our Strategic Pillars.
Catherine McAuley College Bendigo - Strategic Plan 2025 - 2028