News & Events

Learning Updates for St Mary’s – Term 4, 2021


Last updated 21 October 2021

The following information is a resource for students and parents navigating the details for study and exams. It will be updated frequently to reflect any changes in circumstances relating to onsite access, exams, learning and wellbeing support.

Click here for COVID updates and resources relating to Government health information.

On campus/remote learning arrangements from Friday 22 October

  • Years 10 and 11: full time on campus at St Mary’s from Friday 22 October
  • Year 12: remote learning until Friday 22 October. Remote or in-person appointments from Monday 25 October up until subject examinations – details below.

Study revision and exam preparation

  • Remote learning support will continue for Year 12 students through Thursday 21 and Friday 22 October
  • Year 12 students must collect all of their belongings and leave lockers clean. Students must use the QR code every time they attend the College.

Students are welcome to make appointments with their teacher either remotely, or to attend in person, for additional support from Monday 25 October up until their subject examinations.

Students are encouraged to make these appointments during their regular timetabled times as teachers will be available during these times for support. As formal classes are finished, we anticipate these settings being smaller forums with fewer students, alleviating much of the risk that students would face when gathering in larger formal settings. Teachers will continue to provide remote learning links this week and will support students by appointment from next week either in person or remotely.

Students who have a confirmed appointment with a teacher do not require an exemption from the Principal to attend an on-campus appointment, but Year 12 students must use the QR code every time they attend the College – these are located at the General Office, the Backhaus Building and the Marian Centre.

  • The VCAA recommends that any student sitting an exam needs to isolate themselves where possible and avoid unnecessary social contact.
  • Students are asked to avoid gathering in groups before and after exams.

Performance Examinations

There are a small number of students who are yet to complete their performance examinations and/or complete their final VET assessments. Due to the nature of these exams and assessments, these students are permitted to attend school and/or their VET location for rehearsal and their final assessments. These students should return home for their revision for all other subjects.

Updated exam arrangements

We have attached two documents (see download box below) from the VCAA that are essential reading.

Students should attend their VCE examination unless any of the following apply:

  1. They have a positive COVID test
  2. They are identified as a Primary Close Contact and they are symptomatic
  3. They are symptomatic and awaiting test results

The attached documents from the VCAA answer in detail, the questions you may have regarding when students can or cannot sit the exams, what happens with primary close contacts and so on.

In the case that students cannot attend their examination, the College will coordinate with affected students to obtain a derived examination score application. College staff will support students through any of these possible scenarios.

Students completing final assessments for VET certificates should attend these on-site, as these are essential assessments. Applied Learning Students completing SWL should resume this placement provided they have not been identified as a close contact and do not have any COVID-related symptoms.

All information relating to our VCE Unit 3 & 4 examinations are on our VCE Exams Site including the attached COVID advice.

Contact during exam time

Year 12 Level Learning Leaders will be on campus in Coolock House from 7.30am each day during exam time. For urgent contact outside school hours, contact Mrs Suzie Kemp or Ms Fiona Bell on 0400 562 672. Within school hours, please contact the General Office between 8.00am and 4.30pm and they will direct your call to the Year 12 Level Learning Leaders.

Wellbeing support

A reminder that Wellbeing support is available for students and families. The CMC Student Wellbeing website can connect you to a range of support on a variety of topics, and additional external links are provided on the website. It is important that students continue to check in with their Student Advocate or Year Level Learning Leader for support if required.

Wellbeing staff are offering 15-minute check ins for any students who need to touch base or be provided with supportive strategies.